HomeRegistered office address

Registered office address

Registered office address for limited company

All Limited Companies or Limited Liability Partnerships in the UK are legally required to have a registered office address. This is the address where all the official correspondence (such as letters from HMRC or Companies House) is sent. The address is publicly disclosed at the Companies House.

The address of the registered office must be a physical address within the UK and in the same country as your company is registered. For example, a company registered in Wales must have an official address in Wales. This address needs to be mentioned in the following company documents:

  • Business letters, emails and other correspondence
  • Other stationery
  • Invoices and order forms
  • Brochures and other marketing material
  • Website(s)
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we provide Registered business address services at our offices, & we scan all letters received to us & forward these to you via email.